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At Home Page, choose from list of articles or Click on "Bible Stories" to access index of 31 Stories of the Bible
The Christians wondered what their new way of life would mean for them. The apostles told them to always be true and faithful to Jesus, and they would be given a home in Heaven. In the book of Revelation, the apostle John describes Heaven as a beautiful city. Jesus had told His apostles He was returning to Heaven to prepare a place for them in God’s mansions. The apostles delivered that message to all Christians. 2 Corinthians 5:1-4; 1 Thessalonians 4:16 and 17; 1 Peter 1:4; 2 Peter 1 and 3:13 and 14
This lesson concludes a summary narrative of the old and new testaments. God promised the people who lived under the old testament law that someday His son would bring salvation to mankind. God said His son would also give a new law, which is the new testament. The old law required animal sacrifices and other things which the people found difficult to perform. God said He would give a better law to His people, and so He did. Hebrews 8:6 – 9.
Thirty-one lessons, or narratives, are only a microscopic glimpse of the full Bible narrative where there are many accounts of God’s people who lived courageous lives as well as incidences of those who lived depraved and meaningless lives. As the apostle John said about Jesus, “And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written.” John 21:25 KJV. – Let’s read all we can of what has been given.
Martha Black Sutherland