God Created the World and All That Is In It

Lesson #2

Genesis 1:1-31

    The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Psalm 19:1.

    Romans 1:20 tells us that even though we cannot see God, we see how great He is as we look at all the wonderful things He has made. We can see His great power in the things He created.

     We, who live and visit in the beautiful state of Maine, can readily see God’s handiwork. Looking down from Cadillac Mountain to the broad expanse of the Atlantic Ocean, we can see the gathering together of the waters, the islands and more mountains.

     Our Maine wildlife reminds us of God’s creation on the sixth day. The moose and deer roam our woods. The fox slyly moves about in the underbrush. The porcupines climb the trees which were created on the third day. The trees were there and waiting for man and animal to come along with their needs.

     Eagles fly in our skies, circling and searching for a meal of fish. God created the eagles and fish on the same day … the fifth day.

     When we look at the moon and stars and enjoy the warmth of the sunshine, let’s be ever mindful of God’s great power of creation.