Lesson #1

2 Timothy 3:15

      The Bible teaches us to study. The Christians

who lived in the city of Berea searched the scriptures to verify that the sermons they were hearing were really from the word of God. Acts 17:11

     If we respect God’s Word, which is the Bible, we will also search for His commandments in it. Accounts of King Josiah’s respect for God’s Word are in 2 Kings 22 and 2 Chronicles 34.

     Some people do not read and study the Bible, so they may not have correct facts about God’s Word.

     Listed below are inaccuracies that some believe. Below each is a related Bible reference:

Some say:  Noah took only two of every animal on the ark.

BIBLE: Noah took more than two of each of the clean animals. Genesis 7:2 & 3; Leviticus 11:1-42.

Some say: Three wise men visited Jesus at His birth

BIBLE: The number of wise men was not stated. Jesus was no longer in the manger when the wise men visited with their variety of three gifts – gold, frankincense and myrrh.  By that time, Jesus and His family were in a house. Matthew 2:1-16

Some say:  The forbidden fruit which Eve ate was an apple.

BIBLE: The Bible does not reveal the fruit Eve ate. Genesis 3

Some say:  The angels who appeared to people had wings and haloes.

BIBLE: Although the appearance of angels has been described as bright on occasions, sometimes they appeared as ordinary men. Genesis 19:1-16; Matthew 28:2

Some say:  These quotations come from the Bible: “God moves in wondrous ways, His wonders to perform,” “Cleanliness is next to Godliness,” and “Charity begins at home.”

BIBLE: Truly, God does move in wondrous ways, but neither that remark nor the other two appear in the Scriptures.

     Reading and studying the Bible leads to a better understanding and knowledge of the scriptures. While some considerations seem unimportant, God’s expectations of mankind’s behavior and spiritual relationship must be clearly understood – no room for inaccuracies on those points.

-- Martha Black Sutherland

Why Do We Study the Bible?