Lesson #28

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

 The Life of Jesus Christ on Earth

     During Jesus’ boyhood, another young man was also growing up to accept a special responsibility. Jesus’ cousin, John the Baptist, was the preacher who announced that God’s son had come to the world. John baptized many people, and Jesus asked John to baptize Him. Matthew 3:13-17. John baptized where there was sufficient water since the

practice of baptism requires going down under the water. It is referred to as a burial (in water). John 3:23, Acts 8:38 and 39, Romans 6:4 and Colossians 2:12.

     We are baptized to receive forgiveness of our sins which saves us, Acts 2:38; Acts 22:16 and I Peter 3:21. Jesus had no sins, but He reminded John the Baptist that it was their responsibility to fulfill all righteousness. Therefore, Jesus placed the perfect example of baptism before us. Matthew 3:15

     Jesus taught His disciples in parables. Those were lessons which made use of examples with which they were acquainted. When Jesus told of a farmer’s concerns for his harvest or a shepherd’s lost sheep, the people clearly understood the meaning of Jesus’ words.

     Jesus drew people to Himself – those with whom He could share His thoughts, teachings and experiences. From these people, He chose twelve men to be His apostles, His representatives on earth. They taught and baptized many.

     Jesus talked to the apostles about the words of prophets who had lived many years before them. Those men had been inspired of God to tell the people of a future savior. That savior would bring a new covenant (the New Testament) Jeremiah 31:31. Jesus told the apostles that He was that savior and that He would establish His church Matthew 16:18 and Luke 4:16-21

     Jesus told His followers about a new way of life. They must continue in faithfulness to God as they had when the Old Law (Old Testament) was in effect. However, a strong emphasis on love for the Lord and a deep heartfelt desire to be obedient to God would distinguish them. Under Moses’ Law (the Old Law), individuals were condemned if they murdered or committed adultery. The New Testament teaches that if we hate others, we are guilty of committing murder in our hearts. If we desire someone’s spouse, we are guilty of committing adultery in our hearts. Matthew 5:21, 22, 27 and 28 and Mark 7:20-23. Jesus truly brought a new way of life to the earth.

     Jesus went about performing wonderful signs which were miracles. The scriptures tell us signs, or miracles, were performed to help people believe in Jesus. Those who listened to Jesus' words and those of His apostles could believe, without a doubt, that those things were spoken by the same one who had performed a miracle. John 20:30-31. These miracles were recorded in the New Testament, and we can read about them today and believe.

     Jesus and His chosen followers performed miracles from God. They could not be denied. They could not be called actions of fake healers. A true performer of miracles raised dead people to life. Men no longer perform those miracles. The scriptures teach that once miracles had served their purpose, they would end. I Corinthians 13:10. Once the perfect (or complete) New Testament had been given by the Lord, men and women could read it and know God’s Will. They would not need to see a miracle to have faith in God.